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Date: 22, 23, 25/9/2018
Time: 14:00 - 17:30
Venue: Mandarin’s House

Introduction: The Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Riddles and Origami Workshop has been well received and supported by visitors and residents. The riddles are mainly focused on the Mandarin’s House, Macao’s World Heritage sites, as well as local customs and culture, allowing residents and tourists to better know the Mandarin’s House, local and Chinese traditional culture and arts, and thereby achieve a more in-depth knowledge about the cultural heritage.
*Registration in advance is not required and all are welcome to participate.

Remarks: 8590 4344

More details

Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Riddles and Origami Workshop

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2018-09-07 17:45

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