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# Dance

Duration: approximately 45 minutes

Move dance from theatre onto streets, use the body to restore dance itself

Without gorgeous sets and fancy lighting, dancers from four different places perform On Site – Dancing Around on the streets of Macao. They will dance through the streets and use their bodies to present different possibilities and to return to dance itself, allowing audience to experience the charm of contemporary dance.

Pardon by Macao choreographer Tracy Wong and Hong Kong artist Mao Wei, Birdy by Taiwan dance group Hung Dance, and Caracoles con Bata de Cola and Zorongo con mantoń by Hong Kong flamenco artist Rico Cheung will bring to audience two days of distinctive dance experiences.

Birdy(19/1 11:00, 17:00, 20/1 11:00)
Choreographer:Lai Hung-chung
Dancers:Chan Chi Cheng,Cheng I-hanandChien Lin-yi

Caracoles con Bata de Cola and Zorongo con mantoń (19/1 11:00)
Choreographer and Dancer: Rico Cheung *

Pardon(19/1 17:00, 20/1 11:00)
Choreographers and Dancers:Tracy WongandMao Wei

* Due to a family emergency, Sònia Sánchez will not be able to perform in On Site – Dancing Around (El Pliegue). Her performance on 19 Jan, 11:00 will be replaced by Rico Cheung and his dance pieces Caracoles con Bata de Cola and Zorongo con mantoń; while the performance on 19 Jan, 17:00 will be replaced by Birdy.

More details

On Site – Dancing Around

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-01-17 21:45

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