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# Theatre

Duration: approximately 1 hour
Performed in Cantonese
Suitable for people aged 13 or above

Who am I? What am I doing here? Why do I have to serve others?

A ghost who does not want to leave the construction site but has nowhere to go; a robot who does not want to listen to orders anymore and craves for freedom; Jintong who does not want to lose love and job; Yunu who does not want to be a hereditary slave. They meet in the “world” within the construction site, but the “world” is collapsing soon, and they worry about their future and existence.

Local scriptwriter Ma Wai In and director Ku Ieng Un will present an outdoor performance. Audience will listen to a story reflecting the reality by non-human characters through a headset.

Text: Ma Wai In
Director:Ku Ieng Un
Music: Patricio Chan
Voice Actors: Sun Sin Nga, U Kin Tong, Vong Weng Chon, Ieong Chi Kei and Mak Hoi Tek
Performers: Tong Weng Fai, Wong Iok Kei, Leong Kit Wan, Leong Kit Chu, Chong Hoi Seng, Wong Hou Nam, Chan Wai Mei, Wun Son Kit and Tam Weng Tong

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Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-01-10 21:45

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