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An old couple have no children. They pray to God and are blessed with a child. They name their son Issun Boushi because the boy is only one inch tall and never grow taller. One day, Issun Boushi leaves his home and sets off on a journey as a samurai with a bowl as a boat, a chopstick as a paddle, a needle as a sword, and a piece of straw as a scabbard.
A performance of dance and physical education, The Inch-high Samurai is an adaptation of a classic Japanese fairy tale Issun Boushi. With the use of video projection and live music, Namstrops will present you with a world of a thumb size character.
Namstrops is one of the leading dance groups in Japan and has been developing a dance style combining sport, art and education for more than a decade.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour, no interval
Suitable for audience aged 6 or above


  1. Free seating.
  2. Audience are requested to take off their shoes before entering the viewing area. Please put on casual wear and socks.
  3. There is an area for children audience. Audience in this area will need to sit on the floor.

Choreographers: Takafumi Kodama, Souhei Minowa and Akifumi Toyofuku
Performers: Tracy Wong, Anson Lam, Takafumi Kodama, Souhei Minowa and Akifumi Toyofuku
Music: Genki Ohno
Video: Naoto Iina
Co-producer: Rumiko Takahashi

More details

The Inch-high Samurai

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-05-23 21:45

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