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In the 1970s and 1980s, the garment industry was one of the backbones of Macao’s economy. Big and small garment factories spread across the city, attracting a large number of labourers – mainly female. By mid-to-late 1980s, the garment industry began to decline and was replaced by the gaming industry, which became the economic pillar of Macao. This performance, in the form of a documentary theatre, threads together the everyday stories of the garment workers and their labouring lives, and explores the life and the city of today through the memory of this generation.

The Artistry of Wind Box Community Development Association is committed to art promotion targeting different social groups. Through the concept “everyone is an artist”, the association aims to increase cultural participation by different social groups, establish a platform and build bridges to integrate art into society.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, no interval
Performed in Cantonese, with surtitles in Chinese

Text: Leong Sin U and J Lei
Director and Choreographer: J Lei
Devising Performers: Lao Im Mei and Oscar Cheong
Video Creation: Bianca Lei and Lei Cheok Mei
Composer: Lei Vai Fan

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Ready to Wear

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-05-09 21:50

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