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Co-organised by the Galaxy Entertainment Group Foundation and Grimaldi Forum of Monaco, the exhibition traces the story of legendary movie star Grace Kelly (1929-1982), and showcases how artists were inspired to create their works with her as their muse: Andy Warhol, with his pop art image of Grace Kelly; Alfred Hitchcock, directing his series of films starring Grace Kelly; and famous photographers, sculptors, jewellers and fashion houses, depicting her signature style - the “Grace Kelly Look”. On loan from the collections of the Prince’s Palace of Monaco, the exhibits include photographs and moving images of Grace Kelly, her Oscar award, wedding gown, the eponymous Kelly bag, designer jewellery, and a rare portrait print by Andy Warhol.

A royal portrait of Princess Grace of Monaco, 1959 (© Georges Lukomski / Archives of the Prince's Palace of Monaco)

More details

GRACE KELLY: From Hollywood to Monaco - Artists' Tributes

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-06-05 21:50

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