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Trio Mediaeval from Oslo, Norway, is founded in 1997, and quickly made a name for itself in the world of vocal music. In the recent two decades, the brilliant Scandinavian singers have created a fascinating and unique world of sound with unerring virtuosity.

Trio Mediaeval will present two concerts at this year’s Music Festival. Aquilonis is a musical journey from Iceland to the Mediterranean via the coasts of Scandinavia and England, representing a snapshot of the Trio’s musical journey through time. The adventure begins with medieval polyphony with which the ensemble developed its unique sound world. It is from here that the Trio will explore that mysterious nexus where the medieval meets the present. Its album Aquilonis had been included in The New York Times “Classical Critics Pick the Top Music Recordings of 2014”.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval

Programme Highlights
Gregorian Chant / Anonymous: Salve regina
Anonymous (14th century, Berkeley Castle, England): Benedicta es caelorum regina
Traditional (Norway) / Arr. A. M. Friman and L. A. Fuglseth: Ingen vinner frem til den evige ro
Traditional (Lauda, 12th century, Italy) / Arr. A. M. Friman and L. A. Fuglseth: Benedicti e llaudati
A. Smith: Ave Maris Stella (2004)

Anna Maria Friman, Linn Andrea Fuglseth and Jorunn Lovise Husan, Vocals

More details


Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-09-30 21:50

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