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On the busy streets with people coming and going, unexpected sounds of music will always draw people together. The music most likely comes from street musicians/performers, yet, have you ever thought that it could be from anyone around you?

Who says that playing the piano is a privilege for the few? At this year's music festival, two pianos will be placed in several different locations, free for all to play, filling every corner of the streets with music.


Piano Location


Macau International Airport

Taipa Houses–Amphitheatre


Mount Fortress Garden

Park of Dr. Carlos d' Assumpção


Rotunda de Carlos da Maia

Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park


Ip Heng Building, Seac Pai Van

Leisure Area of Ed. Wang Hoi & Wang Kin

More details

Street Piano Programme

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-09-02 21:50

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