In order to respond to environmental protection and promote the electronization of public services, starting July, beneficiaries can pay contributions through the existing payment channels (except JETCO network ATMs) using their Macao SAR Resident ID Card number. At the same time, the Social Security Fund (abbreviated to FSS in Macao) will stop mailing out arbitrary system contribution advices to beneficiaries.
Starting July 2020, using the Macao SAR Resident ID Card number as the payment number, arbitrary system beneficiaries can pay contributions at a self-service machine with FSS’s logo, or designated banks' payment counter, Autopay or online banking, the BOC EXPRESS, Municipal Affairs Bureau’s Public Services Centres and sub-stations, or at a service point of the FSS.
In addition, beneficiaries can also view the Electronic Payment Advice for Arbitrary System Contributions from the FSS’s website ( www.fss.gov.mo ) to obtain the beneficiary number and electronic payment advice number, and pay contributions through a JETCO Network ATM.
Regarding the above convenience measures, the FSS has notified the beneficiaries concerned in March and June respectively. Residents may call 2853 2850 during office hours if they still have any enquiries.