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# Dance, Exhibition

Record the bodies and memories at the market through movements

When shopping at markets, we walk among stalls, interact with vendors through eye contact and speech, and see how they skilfully handle the food. Market is where transactions are made and where our bodies meet with people and spaces. However, we may no longer experience such body movements or interactions in the future.

The creators of Work Inspired Workouts – Macao Market Version will record and transform these body movements and experiences into a workout. The workout not only improves physical conditions, but also retains the bodies and memories at the market. The illustrations and video of the workout will be exhibited and there will be a live demonstration conducted in the form of flash mob. All are welcome to exercise together!

Concept: Chieh-Hua Hsieh and Ko-Yang Chang
Producer: Stella Ho
Field Study and Movement Development
Macao Market Version: Lao Pui Lon, Lou Choi Ieng, Lao Mei Wa and Tang Kai San
Xinfu Exercise: Ko-Yang Chang, Ci-Yi Jian and Kuan-Jou Chou
Huannan Exercise: Ko-Yang Chang, Ci-Yi Jian, Li-Wei Tu, Yu-Hsuan Yeh and Ai-Chi Liu
Illustration: Chen-Pu Yang
Music: Wei-Zuo Lin
Graphic and Exhibition Design: Phoebe Tong and Hsing-Ying Chen
Performers: Lou Choi Ieng, Lao Mei Wa and Tang Kai San
Video Production
Macao Market Version: Generator Stage Event Production Limited
Xinfu Exercise and Huannan Exercise: Che Yeh
Video Production Assistant
Xinfu Exercise: Po-Yu Huang
Huannan Exercise: Chun-Wei Wang

Xinfu Exercise is commissioned by the exhibition Déjà vu: Re-Envisioning Market/Placeorganised by the U-mkt.
Huannan Exerciseis one of the creation projects of the "Preliminary Research for Public Art Installation and Public Participation Project of Huannan Market"organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government and implemented by the Searchlight Culture Lab.

This photo is taken from Huannan Exercise which is one of the works of the "Preliminary Research for Public Art Installation and Public Participation Project of Huannan Market"organised by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.

More details

Work Inspired Workouts – Macao Market Version

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2021-01-21 21:45

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