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Macao Grand Prix Museum opens for trial operation Ticketing system opens for the public from next Monday

MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes and Deputy Director Ricky Hoi present an overview of preparations for the Macao Grand Prix Museum

Upon completion of expansion construction, the Macao Grand Prix Museum partially comes into trial operation starting this month. Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) successively invites the travel trade and pertinent personages to pay inspection visits to the Museum and contribute feedback for refinement of the Museum’s environment and service quality. The Museum will open to the public on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in April, as well as throughout the entire month of May. The public can schedule visits and purchase admission tickets in advance within designated quotas to experience the Museum’s trial operation and facilities, so that the Museum can collect wide feedback from local and travelling visitors in preparation for its official launch. Interested parties can book visits and purchase tickets online from 9:00 next Monday morning (22 March).

Continuous collection of public opinion

MGTO successively invites pertinent government entities, industry delegates and media to visit the Museum during trial operation for inspection and exchange of ideas, with the aim to optimize museum management and visitors’ experience continuously. Tourism industry stakeholders can also learn more about this latest travel attraction through the inspection visit.

Online ticketing only during trial operation

Quotas will be reserved for the public to book visits and purchase tickets to the Macao Grand Prix Museum, to solicit wide feedback from local and travelling visitors. The Macao Grand Prix Museum will be opened for the public to book visits within quotas on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in April as well as daily in May (closed on Tuesdays). Starting from 9:00 next Monday morning (22 March), interested parties can log in to MGTO’s online ticketing system ( and purchase tickets in advance. Limited quotas of visit are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For enquiry, please contact the Macao Grand Prix Museum at 8593 0515 or 8593 0516 during its opening hours.

After scheduling visits through online payment, individuals will receive an email that contains a QR code with which they can redeem tickets at the ticketing office of the Museum on the day of visit. In parallel with pandemic prevention, tickets can only be purchased online during trial operation to minimize crowding and queue time for ticket obtainment. Visitors should note that by advanced booking, they can visit the Museum at either the morning or afternoon time slot: 10:00 — 13:00 (last admission at 12:00) and 15:00 — 18:00 (last admission at 17:00).

Half-price tickets during trial operation

During trial operation in April and May, the ticket price for holders of Macao Special Administrative Region resident identity card is 20 patacas while children at the age of 12 and under, elderly at the age of 65 and above, holders of Macao SAR student identity card or tour guide card, the disabled and one caretaker in company can enjoy free admission. The ticket price for non-residents is 40 patacas while the ticket price is 20 patacas for non-residents who are aged between 4 — 12 or 65 and above, holders of international student identity card or membership card of International Council of Museums, the disabled and one caretaker in company. Non-residents at the age of three and below can visit the Museum for free. Children at the age of 12 and below must be accompanied by an adult for visit to the Museum.

During trial operation, the Museum will provide four daily sessions of public guided service in languages as follows: Cantonese (10:30 and 15:30), Portuguese/English (11:30) and Mandarin (16:30). Each session lasts about 45 minutes. Scheduled visitors are welcome to sign up for the guided service on site. Due to limited quotas, the guided service will be signed up on a first-come, first-served basis.

Safety restrictions for interactive game facilities

The Macao Grand Prix Museum features a variety of interactive game facilities. Every admission ticket grants a museum visitor an opportunity to experience each game once. Visitors are advised to follow the instructions given by museum staffers. To ensure safety, certain games are restricted to museum visitors who meet the specified range of age and height, whereas visitors with the following health and physical conditions or limitations are advised not to participate in the aforementioned games: heart disease; neck, back or spine problems; abnormal blood pressure; visual impairment; wearing assistive medical devices which cannot be secured at a fixed position, inability to fit into the seat due to seat design or physical conditions, pregnancy, etc. The Macao Grand Prix Museum will rigorously follow the pandemic prevention guidelines issued by Health Bureau. Visitors are required to wear masks, have their temperature checked and present Macau health code of the day upon entry.

MGTO actively publicizes the trial operation of the Macao Grand Prix Museum with extensive promotions rolled out in Macao and the Mainland via different ways and channels including advertisements on local newspapers as well as video commercials on local television stations and other media. Promotional videos have been filmed for broadcast on social media. Media and travel KOLs are invited to visit the Museum for wider publicity. The Office also rides on the Macao Week in Hangzhou to showcase the highlights of the Museum to Mainland visitors.

For more latest information about the Macao Grand Prix Museum in trial operation, please visit the Museum’s official website:

【DST】Promotional video for the Macao Grand Prix Museum in trial operation​

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