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Direct investment statistics for 2020

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that stock of inward direct investment in Macao totalled MOP 300.20 billion as at the end of 2020, down by 14.5% year-on-year. As regards immediate source of investment, Hong Kong and the Cayman Islands were the two major sources of investment. As at end 2020, stock of inward direct investment from Hong Kong decreased by 5.3% year-on-year to MOP 84.06 billion, while investment stock from the Cayman Islands dropped by 12.9% to MOP 69.74 billion. Besides, stock of inward direct investment from mainland China (MOP 58.77 billion) and the British Virgin Islands (MOP 47.94 billion) went down by 0.7% and 47.6% year-on-year. Analysed by industry, inward direct investment stock in Financial Activities increased by 4.6% year-on-year to MOP 86.88 billion, whereas that in the Gaming sector declined by 30.1% to MOP 126.77 billion.

In 2020, inward direct investment in Macao recorded an outflow of MOP 57.48 billion, mainly due to a loss sustained by the gaming enterprises. Analysed by immediate source of investment, investment from the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Hong Kong showed respective outflows of MOP 43.38 billion, MOP 10.94 billion and MOP 7.59 billion.

As at the end of 2020, stock of outward direct investment totalled MOP 69.89 billion, an increase of 21.6% year-on-year. Mainland China and Hong Kong were the major destinations for outward investment from Macao enterprises. Stock of outward direct investment in mainland China stood at MOP 61.29 billion, of which Guangdong accounted for 77.6% (investment stock in Hengqin rose by 64.6% year-on-year to MOP 27.86 billion). Analysed by industry of Macao enterprises, the stock of outward direct investment made by enterprises engaged in Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities and the Wholesale & Retail sector increased by 67.0% and 14.2% to MOP 27.27 billion and MOP 12.30 billion respectively. In 2020, outward direct investment of Macao enterprises rose by 34.6% year-on-year to MOP 9.44 billion. Investment in mainland China totalled MOP 12.36 billion, an upsurge of 160.0% year-on-year.

Direct Investment Statistics aims to provide an overview of direct investments between Macao and other economies. For statistical purposes, mainland China and Macao are considered as two economies. The survey covers Macao enterprises engaged in Industrial Sector; Construction; Wholesale & Retail; Hotels & Restaurants; Transport, Storage & Communications; Financial Activities; Gaming; Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities and so forth; meanwhile, individuals are excluded.

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