【MGTO】Promotional video “Safety Tips for Travelers in Macao During Typhoon Season”
Mobile text reminders for visitors and residents
According to Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, typhoon signal No. 3 may be replaced by Signal No. 8 between 16:00 and 20:00 today (8 October). Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) will once again send mobile text notifications about the suspension of public transport services at typhoon signal No. 8 or above while calling for visitors to stay at safe places.
Tourism Hotline operates round the clock
When the typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted in Macao, MGTO will maintain the 24-hour operator service of the Tourism Hotline (2833 3000). Operations of the Office’s Tourist Information counters are suspended. The Macao Grand Prix Museum and Ritz Building are closed temporarily.
MGTO’s Tourist Information counters have displayed the typhoon warning and notice of “travel with caution in Macao during typhoon season” visibly, as well as reminders about public transportation suspension and so forth. During the typhoon, relevant information is posted on MGTO’s website, while information about typhoon signal No. 8 will be posted on appropriate channels according to the characteristics of individual platforms. Visitors are advised to visit the website ofMacao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau:https://www.smg.gov.mo/en, and the website of Government Information Bureau: https://www.gcs.gov.mo/news/home/en for the latest information.
Call for hotel establishments’ prepared response
MGTO has called for businesses to attend to related precautions and formulate coping plans in accord with the typhoon. All hotel establishments have been asked to place notices about the typhoon signal in effect and transportation arrangements in Macao during the typhoon at their lobbies or noticeable locations such that visitors can adjust their itinerary accordingly and the typhoon’s influence on them can be minimized.