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Language: Mandarin
Target Participants: aged 13 or above
No. of Participants: 50

Love, lust, tyranny, conspiracy and death are intertwined in the historical background of a great era. Tosca is not only Puccini’s most famous production and the most performed opera in the world, it is also a symbol of popular culture. This talk will scrutinize the piece’s formula for success and the story behind its creation.

Speaker: Chiao Yuan-pu
Chiao earned his doctorate in Musicology from King’s College London and has written over 10 books, including Listening to Chopin, A Road to Classical Music, and The Colours between Black and White (available in Chinese and Japanese versions). Among the audio programmes that he has produced and hosted in recent years are Chiao’s Musicology: Introductory Guide to Classical Music, Chiao’s Musicology: Comprehensible History of Classical Music, Beethoven Plus, and How to Understand Chopin’s Music.

The deadline for registration is 22 September. Please register via the Activity Application in Macao One Account.In case of oversubscription, selection will be made by drawing lots.

More details

Talk: Enthralled with Love and Art – Puccini’s Tosca

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2024-07-31 12:25

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