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Health services arrangements after downgrade of Typhoon Signal No. 8

The Health Bureau announces that after the lowering of Typhoon Signal No. 8, all entrances to the Conde de São Januário General Hospital will reopen to the public. The Accident and Emergency Department (including the Island Emergency Station), Inpatient Service, and the Haemodialysis Unit will also resume normal operation.

The specialist outpatient services (including Specialist Outpatient Clinics, Radiology and Imaging Service, Clinical Pathology, Haemato-oncology Day Hospital, Specialist Pharmacy, Endoscopy Service, Urology Day Procedure Centre, etc.) will resume normal operation from 15:30.

Individuals whose consultation appointments have been affected by the typhoon will be notified of the new appointment date within 4 working days via telephone or text message (SMS). The Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Centre will also contact affected individuals regarding the updated service arrangements. Those with blood test appointments at the Clinical Pathology Department affected by the typhoon can visit the Specimen Collection Room on the first Saturday after the lowering of Typhoon Signal No. 8 has been lowered (7th September) to receive service based on their queue number. Those who need urgent tests due to their condition can have their blood taken on the first working day after the typhoon. For queries, please call 8390 6000.

All health centres/stations, the Physical Examination Centre for Civil Servants, the Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Centre, and the Blood Transfusion Centre will resume normal service from 15:30.

Individuals with cancelled appointments for blood collection or consultation services at health centres/stations due to the typhoon can return to the respective health centres/stations at their original appointment time on the first Saturday after the typhoon. Those with cancelled appointments at the Physical Examination Centre for Civil Servants due to the typhoon will be notified of the new appointment date in due course.

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