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CE and Governor of People's Bank of China discuss financial cooperation

The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, meets with the Governor of the People's Bank of China, Mr Pan Gongsheng, in Macao.

The Chief Executive, Mr Ho Iat Seng, met today in Macao with the Governor of the People's Bank of China, Mr Pan Gongsheng. They exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, such as financial cooperation between the mainland and Macao.

The meeting was held after the opening of the 2nd Conference of Central Bank Governors and Financial Officials between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, hosted at the Galaxy International Convention Center in Macao.

The Chief Executive welcomed Mr Pan to Macao and expressed gratitude to the People's Bank of China for its strong support towards the development of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) and the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. This support included the issuance of measures such as the “30 articles relating to financial support”, which provided robust policy backing and institutional guarantees for the development of the Cooperation Zone.

Macao was gradually establishing a central securities depository system, and a financial asset exchange, said Mr Ho. Ongoing effort had laid the groundwork for the development of its financial system’s software and hardware infrastructure, supporting the MSAR’s effort to achieve appropriate economic diversification.

The Chief Executive said he hoped that the People's Bank of China would continue to support the integrated development in financial services between Macao and the Cooperation Zone, and with other cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Mr Ho also said it was hoped that greater support would be made to support the MSAR in bolstering its platform role in financial services between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries, therefore making greater contribution in the country’s overall development.

Mr Pan said the People's Bank of China would continue to support Macao in strengthening financial cooperation with the mainland, assisting the MSAR in building a financial service platform serving China and the Portuguese-speaking countries, with the aim of helping Macao better integrate into the national development framework. Mr Pan also congratulated Macao on its remarkable development achievements since its return to the motherland 25 years ago under the “One country, two systems” principle.

Also present at the meeting were: the Secretary for Economy and Finance of the MSAR Government, Mr Lei Wai Nong; member of the Board of Directors of the Monetary Authority of Macao, Ms Lau Hang Kun; the Director-General of the International Department of the People’s Bank of China, Ms Zhou Yu; and the Director-General of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People’s Bank of China, Mr Mu Changchun.

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