The Government and the six gaming concessionaries have concurred in a meeting today that the industry should not continue to expand without a limit, according to the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Francis Tam Pak Yuen. He said the Government would review the scale of the industry, including the number of gaming tables. The Government would submit a bill to the Legislative Assembly in the next few months to raise from 18 years to 21 the minimum entry age for casino patrons and workers. Mr Tam said the Government would also introduce a by-law to regulate the location of slot machine parlours, after requesting them to move parlours in residential areas to commercial areas. The operators have agreed to this. The operators also pledged to guarantee the employment rights of locals, provide them promotion opportunities and to employ local workers when their new facilities open. The by-law capping the commission for junket operators has been effective since last month and the Government would closely monitor its implementation, Mr Tam said.