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Chief Executive appoints seven legislators

The Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, today appointed the seven members for the fourth-term Legislative Assembly. The Government Gazette today published an administrative order signed by the Chief Executive, which announced the names of the legislators he appointed. They are Ms Ho Sio Kam, Mr Tsui Wai Kwan, Mr Tong Io Cheng, Mr Chui Sai Peng, Mr Vong Hin Fai, Mr Lau Veng Seng and Mr Sio Chi Wai. In accordance with Annex II of the Basic Law, the Assembly consist of 29 members, 12 of whom are directly elected, 10 indirectly elected and seven appointed by the Chief Executive. Meanwhile, the Court of Final Appeal issued a proclamation today to confirm the result of the direct and indirect elections of the fourth-term Legislative Assembly. The 12 directly elected legislators are Ms Kwan Tsui Hang, Mr Chan Meng Kam, Mr Ng Kuok Cheong, Ms Leong On Kei, Mr Ho Ion Sang, Mr José Maria Pereira Coutinho, Mr Au Kam San, Mr Lee Chong Cheng, Mr Mak Soi Kun, Mr Ung Choi Kun, Mr Chan Wai Chi and Ms Melinda Chan Mei Yi. The indirectly elected legislators from industrial, commercial and financial sectors are Mr Ho Iat Seng, Mr Kou Hoi In, Mr Cheang Chi Keong and Mr Fong Chi Keong. The indirectly elected legislators from labour sector are Mr Lau Cheok Va and Mr Lam Keong Sang. The indirectly elected legislators from professional sector are Chui Sai Cheong and Leonel Alberto Alves. The indirectly elected legislators from social, cultural, educational and sport sectors are Mr Vitor Cheung Lup Kwan and Mr Chan Chak Mo.

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