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MGTO provides networking opportunities for Industry Partners to meet international MICE buyers and sellers

As a continuous support to the Industry Partners of its Industry Partner Program (IPP) that are actively pursuing the international MICE business opportunities for Macau, the Macau Business Tourism Centre (MBTC) of the Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) hosted the “Industry Partner Networking Dinner” at the Grand Ballroom of MGM Grand today on the occasion of the “Meeting and Incentive Forum Asia 2009” that is currently taking place in Macau between September 27 and 29. The networking dinner served as a platform for the Industry Partners to meet and exchange business contacts with a unique group of about sixty international MICE buyers and suppliers who are attending the Forum. Held at the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel, the “Meeting and Incentive Forum Asia 2009” is the first ever M&I Forum to take place in Asia, with the previous editions in Palm Beach, Florida (USA), Prague (Czech Republic), Geneva (Switzerland) and Tenerife (Spain). This event was designed to allow travel professionals to source and research new venues for future events, build new and lasting business relationships with suppliers and prominent MICE agencies and corporate companies, whilst seeing Macau as a destination in its fullest. The Industry Partner Program (IPP) is a cooperative platform set up by MBTC in which local suppliers can work together with the government to develop the local MICE industry, as well as to promote and compete in the international market under the “Macau” destination banner. Since the launching of the program in October 2008, MBTC has been providing great support to the Industry Partners in building their competitiveness and exposures through a series of educational programs and participation in leading MICE trade shows. Upcoming they will be joining MBTC again to participate in the Incentive Travel & Meeting Executives Show (IT&ME) in Chicago on September29-October1, Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia (IT&CMA) in Bangkok on October 6-8, European Incentive & Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition (EIBTM) in Barcelona on 1-3 December, and the 19th International Meetings Exhibition (IME) in Tokyo on 8-9 December.

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