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Exercise your civil rights and cast your vote

The Legislative Assembly Election 2009 will be held tomorrow. The fourth-term Legislative Assembly will be consisted of 29 members, 12 of whom will be elected directly, 10 indirectly and seven appointed by the Chief Executive. In accordance with the Legislative Assembly Election Law, the Chief Executive will appoint the seven legislators within 15 days after receiving the general counting result. All permanent residents aged 18 or above registered by the end of 2008 may cast their vote in the direct election. The number of registered voters totalled 249,886, an increase of 13.25% comparing to the previous Legislative Assembly Election. Its votor turnout rate was 58.39%. A total of 28 polling stations across Macao, Taipa and Coloane will be opened from 09:00 to 21:00. Voters may vote at a designated polling station nearby their residence. Voters should bring their permanent resident identity card to the designated polling station for identification. They should vote by using the chop provided and stamp a ‘tick’ on the ballot paper, otherwise the vote will be considered as void.

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All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.