Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the rate of usage of Information Technology (IT) in the business sector stood at 48.7% in 2010, up by 2.4 percentage points from 2009. Analyzed by industry, usage of IT is fully adopted in the Gaming Sector; the rate of usage in Travel Agencies and the Service Sector was 98.9% and 82.5% respectively, while Restaurant Sector had a rate of 31.8% only. In addition, Construction (74.9%) and Wholesale & Retail (44.2%) registered significant progress in IT usage, up by 7.9 and 3.8 percentage points respectively year-on-year. Analyzed by size of establishment, the rate of IT usage reached 99.4% in large enterprises engaging with 100 or more workers, while that of the small establishments with less than 10 workers was 43.6%. With regard to Internet usage, 79.6% of the enterprises using IT also had Internet connection and the major purposes included information search (35.6%), purchasing (18.0%) and sales (16.3%). In 2010, there were 82.8% of households possessed IT devices (e.g. desktop computer, portable computer and Smart mobile telephone etc.), up by 4.0 percentage points year-on-year. For the population aged 3 or above, 56.3% used computers and 53.8% had access the Internet in 2010, same as 2009. Analyzed by age group of IT users, those aged 15-24 had the highest rate of computer usage (95.5%) and Internet usage (93.7%). In respect of the location of accessing the Internet, accessing the Internet at home (95.5%) and at work (25.6%) increased by 2.3 and 1.6 percentage points respectively in comparison with 2009; moreover, major purposes of accessing the Internet were information search and online services (85.0%), communication (78.5%) and e-Government (39.0%). Coverage of usage of IT in the business sector includes Industrial Production; Construction; Wholesale & Retail Trade; Travel Agencies; Hotels; Restaurants; Gaming; Transport, Storage & Communications and the Service Sector (Real Estate Management; Security Services; Cleaning Services; Advertising and Conference/Exhibition Organizing Services). Besides, data on IT usage in households were collected from individuals aged 3 or above of the Employment Survey in the fourth quarter of 2010.