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Usage of Information Technology in 2010

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the rate of usage of Information Technology (IT) in the business sector stood at 48.7% in 2010, up by 2.4 percentage points from 2009. Analyzed by industry, usage of IT is fully adopted in the Gaming Sector; the rate of usage in Travel Agencies and the Service Sector was 98.9% and 82.5% respectively, while Restaurant Sector had a rate of 31.8% only. In addition, Construction (74.9%) and Wholesale & Retail (44.2%) registered significant progress in IT usage, up by 7.9 and 3.8 percentage points respectively year-on-year. Analyzed by size of establishment, the rate of IT usage reached 99.4% in large enterprises engaging with 100 or more workers, while that of the small establishments with less than 10 workers was 43.6%. With regard to Internet usage, 79.6% of the enterprises using IT also had Internet connection and the major purposes included information search (35.6%), purchasing (18.0%) and sales (16.3%). In 2010, there were 82.8% of households possessed IT devices (e.g. desktop computer, portable computer and Smart mobile telephone etc.), up by 4.0 percentage points year-on-year. For the population aged 3 or above, 56.3% used computers and 53.8% had access the Internet in 2010, same as 2009. Analyzed by age group of IT users, those aged 15-24 had the highest rate of computer usage (95.5%) and Internet usage (93.7%). In respect of the location of accessing the Internet, accessing the Internet at home (95.5%) and at work (25.6%) increased by 2.3 and 1.6 percentage points respectively in comparison with 2009; moreover, major purposes of accessing the Internet were information search and online services (85.0%), communication (78.5%) and e-Government (39.0%). Coverage of usage of IT in the business sector includes Industrial Production; Construction; Wholesale & Retail Trade; Travel Agencies; Hotels; Restaurants; Gaming; Transport, Storage & Communications and the Service Sector (Real Estate Management; Security Services; Cleaning Services; Advertising and Conference/Exhibition Organizing Services). Besides, data on IT usage in households were collected from individuals aged 3 or above of the Employment Survey in the fourth quarter of 2010.

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