The Workshop on "THE QUESTIONS ABOUT ABOLITION OF THE INVESTIGATING MAGISTRATE: FRENCH EXPERIENCE", will take place on October 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, in the Auditorium of the Public Administration Building located in Rua do Campo n.° 162, basement 1. This event is jointly organized by the Legal and Judicial Training Centre and by the Law Reform and International Law Bureau. Integrated in the 2nd EU-Macao Co-operation Program in the Legal Field, the workshop will have as speakers: 1. Ms. Fanny Cyrille BUSSAC, Vice Prosecutor in Paris, France; 2. Nathalie Sandra MALET, Training Coordinator at the National School for the Judiciary, France. The 'workshop' will be conducted in English, with simultaneous translation into Cantonese and Portuguese and the following topics will be discussed in this session: I. Present criminal procedure in France (Nathalie MALET);
II. Strengthening of criticism of the existing system (Fanny BUSSAC);
III. The reform proposal (Fanny BUSSAC);
IV. A controversial reform (Nathalie MALET). The 2nd EU-Macao Co-operation Programme in the Legal Field, which incorporates this workshop, has as its main objective the "Consolidation of the Macao Legal System" and will take place until December 2012. The execution of this Programme is organised by the Law Reform and International Law Bureau (DSRJDI), with the participation of several other MSAR's entities and public departments, namely, the Legal and Judicial Training Centre (CFJJ), the Legal Affairs Bureau (DSAJ), the Economic Services (DSE), the Financial Services Bureau (DSF) and the Institute of European Studies of Macao (IEEM).