Consumer Council has established the 'Code of Practice' for those souvenir retailers (specialty foods) that are under its 'Certified Shops' mechanism. Those 'Certified Shops' retailers are required to abide by the 'Code of Practice' to guarantee the image of 'Certified Shops' as honest retailers and provide good services to consumers. Consumer Council bears the responsibility to assist and encourage business and professional organizations to draw up regulations for regulating their members in light of Law No. 4/95/M. The Council issued general guidelines for 'Certified Shops' members in 2002, since then a total of 11 'Code of Practice' have been established for different retail industries in Macao; such 'Code of Practice' is also an important factor in the annual assessment of 'Certified Shops' members. The Council believes in the positive effect of the implementation of these codes to the development of consumer rights and a boost in Macao's tourism. The souvenir industry, especially specialty foods, is a very traditional and essential retail industry in Macao. In 2010, the average spending per tourist in Macao amounted to over MOP700, of which 24% were spent on specialty foods. There are now over 50 specialty foods retailers which are entitled to the 'Certified Shops' emblem. The Council establishes the 'Code of Practice' to enhance product and service quality of these retailers. This 'Code of Practice' requires specialty foods retailers to ensure the accuracy of their own measuring devices and hygienic conditions of their food premises, etc. The 'Code of Practice' for souvenir retailers (specialty foods) is supported by the Macao Pastry Specialty Association. Souvenir retailers (specialty foods) are called on to comply with this 'Code of Practice' for enhancement of the image of local souvenirs industry and the Code will also serve as an important factor in the annual 'Certified Shops' assessment. Leaflets of the 'Code of Practice' for souvenir retailers (specialty foods) are available to serve as guidance to consumers and tourists.