Consumer Council released its latest 'Supermarket Price Survey' dated 18th January. Frozen and refrigerated foods were added this time to make a total number of 305 surveyed items. In comparison with last month's record, average prices of over 40% of the surveyed items had been raised this month, other 30% recorded price drop and around 25% recorded no change in price. Rice imported from Thailand was one of those which showed price rise. Out of the 19 surveyed samples, prices of 8 of them had increased by 2% to 15%. Prices of both 'Red Lotus (5kg)' and 'Wing On Thai White Fragrant Rice (5kg)' had been raised by almost 15%. For dairy products, average prices of 'Nestle' and 'Dreyer's' had been increased by 10% to over 20%. 16 out of the 25 surveyed cooking oil samples recorded price increase of around 2%, several brands of tissue handkerchiefs also recorded price increase of around 2%. Instant noodles and household cleaning products were the main categories which showed decrease in price while canned foods prices were stable. Consumer Council indicated that supermarket price level in January is more stable than end of last year, as the percentage change in price of the over 300 surveyed samples falls between 2% to 3%. The Council also noted that as supermarkets change their prices constantly, the difference in prices of products also varies significantly. Selling prices of the same product are different even in supermarket chain stores located in different areas of Macao, the highest price difference being over 30%. Consumers are advised to check with the price data provided by the Council, especially the 'Top Ten Price Differences' function on its website, and to download the new 'Supermarket price platform' iPhone app available for free on the Council's website. The latest 'Supermarket Price Survey'is now available on the Council's website ( and the 'Supermarket Price Information Platform' iPhone app. The survey is also available free of charge at the offices of Consumer Council, IACM's Iao Hon and S. Domingos Markets, bookstores and libraries. Consumers may also access the resources through WAP channels on their mobile phones. For inquiries, please call 8988 9315.