As Lunar New year, a peak shopping season is drawing, Economic Services department (DSE), Macao Government Tourist Office (DST), Transport Bureau (DSAT), Judiciary Police (PJ), Public Security Police Force (PSP), Macao Custom Service and Civic and Municipal Affairs Council (IACM) were called for a meeting on the discussion of protection of consumer rights for inbound tourists and 'unscrupulous shops'. Consumer Council states that involved departments have been working closely in dealing with 'unscrupulous shops' during the past year and no serious case of shops doing business in unethical ways has been observed recently, though special attention is paid to those shops which are often being complained against. Participating departments at the meeting all agreed to work closely and enhance their surveillance work during this peak shopping season. Interdepartmental cooperation will also be carried out if necessary. Further, business owners in all industries, especially restaurants, are called on to take note that price setting is regulated by law in Macao (Section 8 of Decree Law No. 16/96/M), business owners should abide by this and keep consumers informed of this. Businesses, especially 'Certified Shops' and 'Adherents', should provide good-quality services and products to all local citizens and tourists and help building up the positive image of Macao as an international tourist centre. Consumer Council also reminds that if any citizen or tourist find his or her consumer rights being infringed, he or she should file a complaint at the Council or other departments and provide all necessary detailed information. The Council will also assign its staff to provide services to consumers through its hotline during 11am to 6pm each day during 23rd to 25th January. (Consumer Council hotline: 8988 9315)