Consumer Council reminds consumers that no additional fees should be charged when making consumption by credit card. Consumers can lodge their complaints with the Council if they encounter any businesses that charge additional fees.
As credit card has become a common way of payment and credit card companies offer various discount offers, a lot of consumes choose to pay by credit cards when purchasing products or services. However, consumers reflect that certain companies charge an additional amount of money for those who pay with credit card, thus resulting in an extra burden in their purchases. According to Decree-Law no. 16/95/M, it is stated that all products and services transacted within the region of Macao, using payment methods such as credit or debit cards, or electronic machines installed at the business premises or similar kinds of electronic money, should be paid in MOP and no excuses is allowed to attach any extra fee on the agreed price or transaction amount.
In 2010, the Council conducted a survey on credit card additional fees charged by travel agencies and survey result showed that some agencies charged consumers an additional amount when paying by credit card. The Monetary Authority of Macao (AMCM) was informed by the Council and the travel agencies being complained against were then advised to amend the practice of charging credit card surcharge. The same survey was carried out again this November by the Council to check the current practice of local travel agencies. Survey result shows that some travel agencies have cancelled their policies on credit card surcharge after AMCM's advice but certain travel agencies have not. The Council will cooperate with AMCM to improve the current practices of these agencies and promote the terms of Decree-Law no. 16/95/M about the rights and obligations of both consumers and travel agencies. Consumers are also reminded that they have the right to reject any additional fees charged on them by the companies if they pay by credit card. Complaints can be lodged with both the Council and AMCM. For inquiry, please call 8988 9315.