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MGTO facilitates APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting hosted by Macau SAR MGTO pursues five main goals this year

Director of Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes announced today that last year's total visitor arrivals exceeded 29 million, marking an increase of 4%. This year, MGTO not only pursues five main working goals but also strives for the best to facilitate the Tourism Ministerial Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as its top mission. MGTO held its Annual Press Conference at Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Center today (22 January). During the conference, MGTO presented a retrospect of the past year's tourism industry trend. Director Senna Fernandes then unveiled the Office's development plan and marketing activities in 2014. Around 510 people attended the conference including MGTO's overseas representatives, industry partners as well as international and local members of the press. The attendees include over 110 journalists from Macau, Hong Kong and overseas media agencies based in the two cities. MGTO indicated that last year's visitor arrivals exceeded 29 million in Macau according to preliminary figures, a year-on-year increase of 4%. Visitors from the Greater China market surpassed 26 million with a rise of 5%, whereas the number of international visitors dropped by 3%. The numbers of overnight-stay visitors and hotel overnight guests both showed an increase nonetheless. While the total of overnight-stay visitors rose by 5% last year, the sum of hotel overnight guests from last January to November experienced a double-digit growth of 12%. The Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan continue to rank as the top three tourist markets for Macau. Last year, over 18 million Mainland visitors came to Macau with an increase of 10%. 44% of them came from Guangdong Province specifically. In terms of international visitors, the Russian market stood out relatively with a remarkable increase of 13% in its number of visitors to Macau. MGTO expressed that over 14 million visitors stayed overnight in Macau last year, accounting for 49% of total visitor arrivals and marking an increase of 5%. On the other hand, there were over 9.7 million hotel overnight guests from last January to November, constituting 70% of overnight-stay visitors and marking a rise of 12.3%. Among the markets, hotel overnight guests from India, the Mainland and Korea hit the most remarkable growth of 31%, 18% and 17% respectively. The average length of stay of all overnight-stay visitors throughout last year stood as 1.9 days, same as 2012. The total visitor expenditure from last January to September reached 37.3 billion US dollars, a period-on-period growth of 10.7%. In terms of hotels, the average occupancy rate of hotels in Macau from last January to November was 82.5%, which dropped slightly by 0.8% compared with 2012. The average room rate of three to five star hotels last year was 184.5 US dollars, which raised by 4.1%. Over 8.9 million visitors came to Macau by joining tour groups in the first eleven months of last year, a year-on-year increase of 8.1%. Among other tourist markets, the numbers of tour group visitors from Thailand, Australia and the Mainland surged the most by 24%, 21% and 15% respectively. Currently there are 102 hotels in Macau including 46 budget hotels or guest houses. They supply 28,800 rooms in total, of which 1,500 rooms are budget accommodation. Last year, MGTO's Tourism Information counters attended to nearly 1.27 million visitor enquiries, material requests and feedbacks. Concerning measures against illegal accommodation, the interdepartmental task force inspected over 1,200 premises, sealed 149 premises and unsealed 135 premises throughout the year; MGTO waged sanctions against 75 operators, 30 touts and 4 managing staff. The Office also received 550 complaints/reports against illegal accommodation. Last year over 4,100 participants joined the industry training courses/workshops supported or facilitated by MGTO. The Office recruited 35 new staff members in 2013. Currently MGTO has 387 employees. According to the ranking of World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Macau ranks twentieth globally and fifth in Asia-Pacific region in terms of international tourist arrivals in 2012; in terms of tourism income in 2012, Macau ranks fifth around the world and second in Asia-Pacific Region. MGTO pursues five main goals
Director Senna Fernandes expressed that MGTO will continue to promote the tourism development mode which revolves around leisure tourism in line with the goal of building Macau into a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure. This year MGTO focuses on five main goals at work: 1. Launch tourism planning and research, optimize overall tourism environment; 2. Strengthen industry training and management, enhance tourism service quality; 3. Continue community tourism, develop diverse tourism products; 4. Initiate series of promotional events, build up the destination's tourism image with characteristics; 5. Participate in international and regional cooperation, strengthen social and media communication. She pointed out that MGTO will unfold a series of measures as follow according to the five key points: 1. Launch tourism planning and research, optimize overall tourism environment: Start formulating the "Tourism Industry Development Master Plan" including case studies of the Master Plan and a brief history of Macau tourism development, etc. 2. Strengthen industry training and management, enhance tourism service quality: Enhance quality tourism service; refine licensing procedures and establish a team which specifically handles license applications from budget hotels with top priority; continue to fight against illegal accommodation and carry out studies on legalization of family hostels; launch "Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme"; continue to promote "Tourism Awareness Campaign", evaluate its effectiveness and enhance promotion, etc. 3. Continue community tourism, develop diverse tourism products: Continue to promote the community tourism project with diverse promotional strategies and matching sessions; Bring innovations into the "Macau Tourism Product Development Plan", e.g. redevelopment of palafitte in Coloane; hosting festivities and events again; enhancing business tourism development, etc. 4. Initiate series of promotional events, build up the destination's tourism image with characteristics: incorporate the theme of celebrating the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Macau SAR into marketing activities; hold themed promotion events in overseas markets; assist industry partners in planning themed tours; develop the rising Russian market and tourist markets along high-speed rail in China; build up the destination's tourism image with characteristics through renovation of Tourism Information counters and design of brand-new slogans, etc. 5. Participate in international and regional cooperation, strengthen social and media communication: Enhance communication with Mainland departments as well as the trade's understanding and observance of the Tourism Law in both destinations; develop mutually advantageous tourism projects and special multi-destination tours through regional cooperation; plan on developing "Useful Tourism-Info E-Platform; design a mobile application for MGTO's publication and reform its publication "Macau Travel Talk" by enriching its online content, etc. Senna Fernandes expressed that the Office launches the "Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme" this year in order to ensure quality service in the tourism industry and encourage the trade to keep optimizing their service. The scheme is designed for all licensed restaurants and eateries in Macau divided into four categories. Restaurants which pass the jury assessment successfully will be given a certificate and the Star Merchant Award in recognition of their understanding service. She added that the Office will keep promoting the community tourism project by launching a diversity of community activities in various districts monthly. In addition, MGTO plans to feature 3D audiovisual projection mapping shows in Cheng Peng Theatre and St. Lazarus Parish. Currently the Office is preparing to seek advices from the public. At the same time, new promotion activities and prize-winning tours are added to the "Step Out, Experience Macau's Communities" project to encourage visitors to explore the routes and enhance public awareness of the project. New routes will be launched in the near future while the Office will also consult the public for their opinions on the newly-designed routes. Press release and PowerPoint of MGTO Director's presentation can be downloaded from Media Corner of Macau Tourism Industry Net: http://

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