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MGTO hosted Spring Luncheon in Hong Kong to Thank Travel Trades and Media

To celebrate the Year of the Ram, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) hosted a spring luncheon in Hong Kong today (27 Feb) to thank the Hong Kong travel trades, incentive travel partners, media representatives and friends for their continuous support to the tourism development of Macau over the years. MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes led a delegation to greet more than 200 luncheon guests, among which includes MGTO Deputy Director Cecilia Tse and Macau Grand Prix Committee Coordinator João Manuel Costa Antunes. When delivering the welcome remarks, MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes expressed her appreciation for the support that Hong Kong tourism partners and media had made to promote Macau. In 2014, the number of visitor arrivals to Macau reached 31,526,000, representing an increase of 7.5% over 2013. Being the second largest tourist source market, over 6.4 million Hong Kong residents traveled to Macau last year. Entering the Year of the Ram, MGTO will continue to engage the promotional theme "Touching Moments, Experience Macau" and make continuous effort to diversify Macau's tourism products and markets with the goal of building Macau as the "World Centre of Tourism and Leisure". MGTO will keep developing tourism elements, continue to strengthen community tourism project to enrich travelers' experience with the local charm. In line with MGTO's promotional strategies, Hong Kong Office will strengthen the communication platform between industry partners and media by organizing seminars, product update presentations, thematic familiarization tours and joint promotions. Innovative promotional activities especially adoption of digital media will be launched to reach different market segments including families, youngsters, ladies, silver hair as well as niche markets such as students, wedding couples and business incentives.

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