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New Year celebration photos in government news app

Four more photo collections on eye-catching activities over the Lunar New Year holidays are now posted on the Government Information Bureau's mobile application "MSAR News". The photographs, taken by the Bureau's photographers, are "First joss stick lit in the A-Ma temple" by Vitor Ng Alves, "The Lunar New Year parade" by Ho Kuok Wai, Kong Chan Wai's "Fun with firecrackers" and Weng Chan's "Parade in Celebration of the Year of the Ram". The collections captured memorable moments in major celebratory activities, including worshippers praying for good fortune, people enjoying the colourful holidays and the city's lively atmosphere, with 10 pictures in each collection. One of the "MSAR News" functions, the "Gallery" has already collected various themed 129 photo albums. Other functions include "News", "News Features", "Hot News", and "Hot News Photos", offering users real-time news, government information, pictures and local weather reports. The app is available for both iOS (Version 5.1 or above) and Android (Version 4.0 or above) systems. It can be searched and downloaded with the keyword "MSAR News" in App Store and Google Play.

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