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Collecting social wisdom for a more prosperous future

In his Lunar New Year Message delivered today, Chief Executive Mr Chui Sai On said the Government would put more efforts into collecting the wisdom of the people and work closely with them, and to make more human-oriented policies to ensure a more prosperous future. The Government would continue to strive for steady economic expansion, livelihood betterment and maintain social harmony. In the coming Year of the Sheep, the Government will be more vigilant to the changes in the external and internal environments and make further enhancement in the quality of governance to keep up with the people's rising expectation. We should share the joy and warmth in this festive season with the people in need, he said. Mr Chui took the opportunity to thank the people and civil servants for their efforts in keeping the essential services operating over the holidays. On behalf of the Government, he wished everyone a happy, healthy and fulfilling new year.

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