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Plans in place on flu prevention

The Government had worked ahead on contingency plans to prevent influenza and avian influenza outbreaks, especially over the Lunar New Year holidays, said the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On. The flu situation was stable, but the Health Bureau and the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau had to step up efforts on supervision and stipulate measures to prevent infection, he said. In the event of a public health crisis, the Government would surely provide proper treatment to ensure the health of the people; and provide needed information such as on fatalities, in a timely manner. Mr Chui was speaking on 16 February to officials in an inter-departmental meeting on public health issues, in the wake of the latest developments on the two diseases in neighbouring areas. Over the holidays, the Government would have to strengthen work on spreading information informing the people of the government's measures and prevention methods. The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau will increase the sampling and quarantine of imported poultry birds over the holidays. In addition, a string of measures would be implemented, including keeping in close contact with the mainland authorities on inspection and quarantine, strengthening both H5 and H7 tests on imported birds, and maintain regular cleaning of wholesale markets and stalls. The Government had adequate vaccines and medicines enough for 180,000 people. Related departments had held exercises on what to do in a flu outbreak, and made several ambulances available to server flu patients only. Officials who also attended the meeting were the Secretary for Administration and Justice Ms Chan Hoi Fan, the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Mr Tam Chon Weng, the Chief-of-Office of the Chief Executive's Office Ms O Lam, the Commissioner of the Fire Services Bureau Mr Ma Io Weng, the President of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau Mr Vong Iao Lek, the Director of the Health Bureau Mr Lei Chin Ion and the consultant of the Chief Executive's Office Mr Wu Kan.

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