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Ensuring public safety over the holidays

The Government will put into effect a string of measures to cope with the influx of visitors over the Lunar New Year holidays. Protecting personal safety and properties is the top priority of the Government, said the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, in an inter-departmental meeting on 16 February on crowd control. He said government departments would have to strengthen the information dissemination processes, releasing more information on the situation at cross-boundary checkpoints and areas popular with visitors. The Government would review in a timely manner its capacity to receive visitors and exchange views with the Central Government, to properly safeguard the living quality of the people, he said. The Government will ensure the disciplinary services have adequate manpower to maintain public order. Between 17 to 28 February, special crowd control measures will be in force in the city centre and major cross-boundary checkpoints, namely Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Senado Square, Ruins of St. Paul and Border Gate checkpoints. A three-level flow crowd control system will be implemented between Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro and Avenida da Praia Grande in the Senado Square area, depending on the situation. If necessary the authorities will first suspend the use by pedestrians of the three zebra crossings between Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro and Avenida da Praia Grande to allow smoother vehicular traffic. This could be followed by making pedestrian traffic one-way-only, and finally to restrict entry to the area. Public transport will also be adjusted according to the crowd control measures. In addition to more additional bus trips, there would be special bus routes plying to popular areas. The bus companies had also arranged for extra staff including station assistants to help passengers. Information on any changes in the routings would be released via many channels, including in the Transport Bureau's mobile app. On public health, services in emergency wards, including 24 hours consultation, in-patient ward and the Island's emergency service in the Conde S. Januario Hospital, will be in operation. The Government has set up a co-ordination network with the two private hospitals to provide support in the event of large-scale needs or for emergencies. The Fire Service Department had earlier inspected fire equipment and conditions of evacuation passageways in cinemas and new year fairs to ensure a safe and joyous holiday for residents and visitors. The Government strives to provide a more pleasant experience to visitors over the holidays. Macao Government Tourism Office personnel will be deployed in the city centre to answer visitors' enquiries and introduce the walking tour routes, hoping to divert the flow away from the major attractions.

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