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CCAC to look into 16 cases of “idle plots”

The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, said he had asked the Commission Against Corruption to look into the 16 cases of undeveloped land which previously classified as “idle plots”. In addition, the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário, would soon form a task group for the follow-up of a string of land issues, such as to handle concessions that are about to expire, and would give full detail of his work to the Legislative Assembly in due course. Speaking to reporters on 25 June, Mr Chui said the Government has always paid more attention to “idle plots”, which had failed to develop according to the terms and time stated in the agreements, for the development of more public housing and other infrastructure. The Government could recover the lands if developers failed to pay the land premium, to submit development plans, and to develop in certain period of time. To make better use of resources, the Government had started in 2009 the processes to recover land that was leased but not developed, and has so far handled 48 plots.

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