The University of Macau (UM) has appointed Dr Kou Mei as its new vice rector for administration for a term of five years, following a strict process of international recruitment and selection. Dr Kou will assume office on 2 January 2016. Dr Kou is a registered accountant. She grew up in Macao and is a Macao-educated professional. She received her associate degree (with specialty in business and accounting) from the University of East Asia and her bachelor’s degree in business administration from UM. She pursued her master’s studies in educational management at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom, and received a PhD degree in business administration from the Macau University of Science and Technology. Dr Kou has more than 15 years of experience in public administration and public financial management, with specialty in financial planning and budget management for large projects. She is conversant with work practices and procedures in accounting, procurement, human resources, engineering, and quality management, and has a deep understanding of the laws and regulations governing public administration, public finance, and labour relations in Macao. Dr Kou is currently serving as vice chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Union of Associations of Professional Accountants of Macau, and vice president of the General Assembly of the Macau Society of Registered Accountants. Her work experience in government departments and other public sector organisations, as well as her extensive knowledge of the local society, are expected to benefit the university’s future development by promoting society’s understanding of and support for the university and by coordinating on policies concerning the university. UM believes that Dr Kou’s experience and expertise will help to perfect its financial management and administrative structure and enhance its quality of administration, thereby providing a better teaching and research environment for faculty and students. Under the leadership of Rector Wei Zhao and other members of the management team as well as the joint effort of faculty, students, and alumni, UM are more determined than ever to pursue the goal of becoming a world-class university.