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Cinematheque.Passion starts enrollment for a Salon Seminar on Film

Cinematheque.Passion, under the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will host a salon seminar on “Independent Film Production and its Prospects” at 3pm next Saturday, 31st October 2015, at which renowned filmmakers from Hong Kong and Macao are invited as lecturers. Enrollment for this seminar starts from today until 28th October, with free admission. Limited seats are available. Interested parties are welcome to enroll soon. The salon seminar on film titled “Independent Film Production and its Prospects” is one of the activities for the experimental operation of Cinematheque.Passion. Albert Chu Iao Ian, President of the Macau Association of Audio-Visual “CUT”, and Vincent Chui, Artistic Director of Ying E Chi, have been invited as the lecturers at this seminar. The lecturers will use different film production cases to share and explore the potential of indie film and its prospects. Chu Iao Ian was the director of the film series Macao Stories based in Macao. He founded the Macau Association of Audio-Visual “CUT” in 2000, and has actively promoted Macao’s film and TV production. The group is one of the most active film associations in Macao. Vincent Chui is an independent film director in Hong Kong, who has participated in organising the Hong Kong Independent Film Festival and Macau Independent Film Festival, in order to promote the development of independent films. Committed to promoting independent film production to society, Chui also advocated and coordinated the Chinese Independent Filmmaking Fundraising Project. All interested parties are welcome to enroll for the seminar via email ( with the subject stated as “Enrollment for the salon seminar on ‘Independent Film Production and its Prospects’”, as well as providing the following information: (1) Name of attendee; (2) Contact number; (3) Contact email, by 5pm on 28th October 2015. For enquiries regarding Cinematheque, please contact Mr. Leong via Tel: (853) 2892 4040 during office hours. For details, please visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau website ( or the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website (

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