The Government, as always, adheres to Macao’s laws and regulations when handling issues concerning land concessions. In particular, land concessions relating to Area C and Area D in the Nam Van district are being handled in line with the Urban Planning Law, which has been in place since 1 March 2014. In relation to the use of land parcels in Area C and Area D at Nam Van, Order No. 69/2001 of the Secretary for Transport and Public Works states the concession for a plot identified as C7 is to expire by 21 August 2026. Other plots in the area – namely C2, C15, C16, D3 and D4 – are publicly-controlled sites; C2 is for a temporary office of the Court of First Instance. The Government is analysing options for the use of the other four land parcels that are publicly controlled. The Government notes that the company responsible for the construction of the temporary office of the Court of First Instance took the initiative to request – from the respective owners – the use of land plots near to the C2 plot in order to store construction material and equipment. The Government points out it was not involved in that process.