The opening of “Heart Carving─Xue Yihan’s Scenes of Macao Collection Printmaking Exhibition”, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, and co-organized by Albergue SCM and Beishan Lihe Creative Cultural Industries, Ltd., will be held on 11th March, Friday, at 6:30pm, at the Albergue SCM – A2 Gallery. This exhibition includes 30 priceless Macao-related prints by Xue Yihan which unveil images of bygone days. Xue Yihan (1937-2008), leader of the South China Sea fine arts school, began his printmaking activity in 1957, producing from that time several works portraying sailors enlisted in the Navy and participating often in military exhibitions throughout the country in all provinces. In the 1990s, he came to Macao several times, where he created works that, through a skilled technique of colour print in boards that allowed him to insert delicate colours into his designs, reveals a unique vision and style. The “Heart Carving─Xue Yihan’s Scenes of Macao Printmaking Exhibition” is on show in Albergue SCM until 22nd April, from Tuesday to Sunday from 12pm to 8pm, and from 3pm to 8pm on Mondays, including on public holidays, with free admission. For enquiries, please call IC through telephone no. 8988 4000, during office hours.
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