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Three agreements further boosting maritime development of Macao

The Government today signed with the mainland authorities three cooperation agreements aimed at strengthening management of those waters administered by the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR); and at furthering development of the maritime economy within waters administered by the Macao SAR. The three agreements are: the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Transport and the Macao SAR Government on Marine Traffic and Fairway Management for Waters Administered by the Macao SAR; the Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Water Resources and the Macao SAR Government on Water Resources adjacent to Waters Administered by the Macao SAR; and the Cooperation Agreement between the State Oceanic Administration and the Macao SAR Government on Maritime Development within Waters Administered by the Macao SAR. The signing ceremony for the agreements was held at the Government Headquarters this morning and was witnessed by the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On. The ceremony was attended by: the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Mr Li Gang; the Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macao SAR, Mr Ye Dabo; the Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Feng Wei; the Vice-Minister of Civil Affairs at the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Mr Gong Puguang; the Secretary for Security and interim Director General of the Macao Customs Service, Mr Wong Sio Chak; the Deputy Director General of the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, Mr Li Weisen; and representatives from the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Water Resources and the State Oceanic Administration. The Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Transport and the Macao SAR Government on Marine Traffic and Fairway Management for Waters Administered by the Macao SAR is to foster mechanisms for dealing with emergencies and to develop information sharing methods between Macao and the mainland. The Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Water Resources and the Macao SAR Government on Water Resources adjacent to Waters Administered by the Macao SAR, seeks to ensure there is adequate capability to maintain flood prevention systems for the land adjacent to the waters and waterways of Macao and the land adjacent to the Pearl River Estuary. It also aims to protect the marine environment, local water ecology and to further the sustainable development of Macao and the areas of the Pearl River Delta. The Cooperation Agreement between the State Oceanic Administration and the Macao SAR Government on Maritime Development within Waters Administered by the Macao SAR, aims better to coordinate maritime development so that Macao is able to play a more active role in promoting the nation’s strategy for the maritime economy. The third agreement also states that any proposal for land reclamation has to be reported to the State Council; and that no commercial gaming element is permitted in any new land reclamation project. The signing of the three agreements signifies the support of the Central Government, and of Guangdong Province and its prefecture level city Zhuhai, for Macao’s adequate economic diversification, sustainable development and long-term stability. It also helps in advancing cooperation between Macao and the mainland authorities, as well as taking Macao-Guangdong ties to a new level of cooperation. After the signing ceremony, a meeting was held in the Government Headquarters between the Government and a delegation led by the Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Feng Wei. Discussions at the meeting included the transfer of management responsibilities regarding Macao’s newly demarcated 85-square-kilometres of waters and a land area where the Border Gate with Zhuhai is located. That administrative arrangement was announced in Decree No. 665 of the State Council on 20 December 2015. The Government is committed to realising full implementation of the three new agreements announced today. Major tasks for the next phase of such cooperation include: follow-up work on the formation of a cross-departmental task force for the development and management of waters administered by the Macao SAR. This task force is to be led by the Chief Executive. The Government will also perform its duties in maintaining security within the waters administered by the Macao SAR and in managing transportation arrangements in the coastal area for which it has administrative responsibilities. The agreements signed today are vital for Macao in its efforts to maintain close contact with neighbouring areas regarding: further cooperation opportunities; projects relating to environmental improvement, especially at Canal dos Patos; and for bettering the livelihoods of the residents of all the communities. The 30-member delegation present at today’s meeting also made an inspection tour of Macao’s waters and land boundaries. The delegation included representatives of respectively: the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council; the Ministry of Public Security; the Ministry of Civil Affairs; the Ministry of Transport; the Ministry of Water Resources; the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council; the General Administration of Customs; the State Oceanic Administration; the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation; and the Guangdong Provincial Government.

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