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Workshop on Secondary Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum Development (English Session)

Workshop on Secondary Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum Development (English Session)

Type of Event Training
Date of Event 2018-05-26 ~ 2018-06-02 2018/05/26 & 2018/06/02 (Saturday) 14:30 – 17:30
Location 2018/05/26: Centre of Moral Education (Rua Nova de Toi San, Edificio Litoral, 2 andar) 2018/06/02: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Confucius Hall
Registration description From now until 2018/05/16(Mondays to Fridays 10:30–19:00)
Audience Secondary Social and Humanity Study Teachers or Teachers from related disciplines. (Priority to teachers using English as medium of instructions)
Quota 25 25
Fee Free
Performer Dr. Lincoln Fok and Dr. Eric Chong (Education University of Hong Kong)
Organization Division of Research and Education Reform, DSEJ
Producer Division of Research and Education Reform, DSEJ
Language English
Information 8397 2861(Mr. William Tam), 8395 9173(Ms. Chao Sok Teng)
Goal Understanding the pedagogy of integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum; Understanding the practice of student-oriented enquiry-learning, and being able to implement such approach in class
Message 1) The development and design of integrated curriculum in Social and Humanity Study: Introduce the pedagogy of integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum 2) A student-oriented teaching approach: Discuss the practice and effectiveness of student-oriented enquiry-learning. Investigate approaches and practices to accommodate Social and Humanity BAA in teaching.

Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)

Last modified: 2018-04-18 18:10

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