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Nurturing creativity of students (English Class)

Nurturing creativity of students (English Class)

Tipo do evento Treinamento
Data do evento 2019-02-26 ~ 2019-03-01 18:00~21:00
Local do evento Centre of Pyscho-Pedagogical support and Special Education – Fourth Floor
Audiências Leaders and Teachers in the Middle Schools, Primary Schools and Kindergartens
Quota 30
Taxa Free
Executante Gaterac Limited, Hong Kong – Dr. Bonnie Cramond
Organizadora DSEJ - Centre of Pyscho-Pedagogical support and Special Education
Prodtor DSEJ - Centre of Pyscho-Pedagogical support and Special Education
Lingua Inglês
Informação 8490-5245 (Mr.Choi)
Objetivo To increase participants' skills in nurturing students' creativity as well as to let participants understand the essence of supporting the special learning needs of students who are gifted in creativity.
Mensagem 1. Teaching content : 1.1 Some history and content of some international creative competitions 1.2 some training strategies on some international creative competitions 1.3 some creteria on assessment for some international competitions 2. Assessment : Participation and learning tasks during lessons

Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)

Last modified: 2019-02-05 21:20

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