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Sometimes called the “Charlie Chaplin of Germany”, Karl Valentin was one of the leading comedians in Germany in the early 20th century. Karl Valentin Kabarett crosses several short pieces written by him with popular German songs from the early 20th century, sung live in German by 11 actors and a lyric singer, accompanied by a ten-musician orchestra.
Karl Valentin Kabarett shows the “constant inferiority complexity” of Karl Valentin’s characters. Director Ricardo Neves-Neves, founder of Teatro do Eléctrico, will bring to Macao a theatrical performance featuring music, dance and drama. The irony of the text by Karl Valentin plus the joy on stage guarantee laughter from start to finish.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, no interval
Performed in Portuguese and German, with surtitles in Chinese, Portuguese and English

Stage Director: Ricardo Neves-Neves
Musical Director: Rita Nunes

Cast: Ana Cloe, Elsa Galvão, Joana Campelo, José Leite, Márcia Cardoso, Rafael Gomes, Rita Cruz, Samuel Alves, Sílvia Figueiredo, Tadeu Faustino and Vítor Oliveira

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Karl Valentin Kabarett

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-05-23 21:45

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