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Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Target Participants: Individuals aged 16 or above with at least 3 years dance experience
Number of Participants: 8
Language: French with Chinese interpretation
Fee: MOP 100

20 observer seats are available on a first come first serve basis, prior registration is required, free admission.

A privileged moment of exchange with an aerial dancer, this workshop takes place on the set and is linked to Vertikal’s scenography. After a presentation of the techniques specific to the spatial situation of this show, participants are led to experience the aerial sensation of flight and emptiness even to the ground. Faced with a change in the perception of gravity, they discover the backstage of Vertikal’s creation, the relationship between a pedestrian dancer (not hung) and a rope dancer. They dance in suspension in the setting and situations of the performance (ropes flush with the floor, elastic bands on the towers and climbing wall).

The deadline for registration is April 16, please submit your dance experience for selection purpose.

Registered participants are required to submit a medical certificate at specific period, by completing submission of medical certificate and fee is considered as successful application.

More details

Vertikal Dance Workshop

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-04-02 21:46

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