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Thursday, Friday
Macao Conservatory Room 1006

Number of Participants per Session: 20 parent-child pairs (a child aged 4 to 8 and an adult)
Language: English
Fee: MOP 100

Open your senses and build the most ethereal and invisible city you could ever imagine with balloons and paper! Based on the mimo-dynamic pedagogy created by Jacques Lecoq, the Argentinean artists from Flotante will put the participants in motion through games and explore together the essence of cities including spaces, speeds and many more. The city in your dreams will soon rise in the air!

The deadline for registration is April 25, accepted applicants will be notified to submit the fee at any of the Macao Ticketing Network within a specific period.

More details

Invisible City – Creative Parent-Child Workshop

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2020-03-27 16:38

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