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Project Management Concepts for Project Based Learning

Project Management Concepts for Project Based Learning

Type of Event Training
Date of Event 2019-05-18 ~ 2019-06-01 (Saturday) 14:00 - 17:00
Location University of Saint Joseph – Ilha Verde Campus(Address: Estrada Marginal da ilha verde, 14-17, Macau), Field trip in the 1st session, location at Hac-Sa Beach
Registration description From now until 2019/05/08
Audience Mainly Secondary teachers in Sciences Areas, also available for class teachers in all subjects, professional development
Quota 25 25
Fee Free
Performer Professor Alexandre Lobo
Organization Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Producer Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Language English
Information 83959184 (Mr. Mok Man Hong, Nicholas)
Goal 1. Understand how the project management techniques can help. 2. Create effective project statements to use in the classroom. 3. Learn how to conduct the creation of good goals for projects. 4. Learn how to bring and analyse constraints (scope, time and resources) during a project execution.
Message Session 1: Project and Project Management concepts Session 2: Writing effective goals with team collaboration. Team building technique for better projects outcomes Session 3: Managing time and resources in project based learning

Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)

Last modified: 2019-03-25 11:20

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