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The Little Prince is worried that his rose on planet B612 might be eaten by the sheep, and together with the Pilot, he tries to find ways to protect it. The two visit various planets and meet different people. After this long journey, the Little Prince understands that “the truly important things are the ones that are invisible”.

Adapted from the famous novel Little Prince by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Goodbye, Little Prince is an immersive theatre with live music. The Old Court Building will be transformed into a small universe where the Little Prince will lead audiences on his journey to different planets to find ways to protect his precious rose. Come and join this magical adventure!

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes, no interval
Performed in Cantonese, no surtitles
Suitable for individuals aged 3 or above


  • Participants need to walk throughout the performance.
  • Please put on casual wear.

Director, Playwright and Lyricist: Carmen Mok
Composer: Henry Poon

More details

Goodbye, Little Prince

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-05-09 21:50

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