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Plant Morphology, Function and Adaptation: Hands-on Class Activities

Plant Morphology, Function and Adaptation: Hands-on Class Activities

Type of Event Training
Date of Event 2019-05-20 ~ 2019-05-22 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) 18:30 - 21:30
Registration description From now until 2019/05/09
Audience Primary Science teachers
Quota 25 25
Fee Free
Performer Instructor Karen Tagulao
Organization Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Producer Centre of Educational Resources, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Language English
Information 83959184 (Mr. Mok Man Hong, Nicholas)
Goal 1. Acquire or refresh knowledge and skills in the area of plant morphology, function and adaptation; 2. Develop, design and implement hands-on class activities to show the functions of various plant parts as well as demonstrate the impact of various environmental factors on photosynthesis, growth and development; 3. Learn various plant adaptations by investigating local plants and their adaptations in Macao
Message Session 1: Review of current studies and teaching materials on the subject; class exercise to design an activity for the classroom Session 2: Hands-on laboratory experiments to demonstrate effects of environmental factors on plant morphology and function, growth and development, and practical exercises to learn or update skills such as measurements involved in the experiments Session 3: Field exploration and laboratory exercise to understand plant adaptations in the local environment

Content provider: Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ)

Last modified: 2019-03-27 19:50

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