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Bravo Macao! continues to offer local young rising music stars a platform to showcase their talents and artistic achievements. This time, two young Chinese instrumentalists will team up to present the unique charm of traditional Chinese music and instruments.

Choi Hio Lam graduated from Macau Pui Ching Middle School in 2017 and is the first student recommended by the school for direct admission to the Central Conservatory of Music. She has won several competitions and has held a solo recital. She is currently focusing on studying guzheng and erhu, under renowned guzheng player Zhou Wang, and famous erhu soloist Yu Hongmei, who is also the Vice President of the Central Conservatory of Music.

Fang Teng studies erhu under famous erhu performer Tian Zaili, and banhu under celebrated huqin player Jiang Kemei. In 2014, he won the First Prize of the Solo Erhu Advanced category at the Macao Young Musicians Competition. He has toured with the Macao Chinese Orchestra as a guest musician, and often performs with the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra and the China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble.

Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, including one interval

Programme Highlights
Chen Zhe: Ode of Spring
Zhou Zhan: Ode to the Land of Qin
Li Bochan: Deep inside the Alleys
Wang I-Yu: The Blue Planet – Earth

Choi Hio Lam, Guzheng and Erhu
Fang Teng, Erhu
Accompaniments: Yang Xiaofan (Piano), Kuan Mei Ian (Percussion) and Chen Hui Xin (Yangqin)

More details

Bravo Macao!

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2019-10-14 21:45

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