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# Dance

Breaking through the new trend of contemporary dance by five styles at four venues

Body Traveller presents five contemporary dance works in different styles, allowing audience to feel the charms of contemporary dance. Works include: Hong Kong parkour artist Lee Hong Kiu and emerging contemporary choreographer Li Tuokun’s new production; Macao budding choreographer Albert Garcia’s new work; Relationship by international multi-awarded choreographer Xiao Zhiren from Guangzhou; an award-winning piece in the Certamen Coreografico de Madrid – Paso a 2 in 2017, LIOV by renowned Spanish choreographer and dancer Diego Sinniger, and a dance solo by British seasoned choreographer Jos Baker, who is a former dancer of Peeping Tom and DV8 Physical Theatre.

11:00 Largo do Pagode do Bazar Struck (Hong Kong)
Know it all (UK)
Relacionamento (Guangzhou)
15:00 Mount Fortress Garden Artery (Macao)
LIOV (Spain)
Know it all (UK)
11:00 Largo de S. Domingos Artery (Macao)
Struck (Hong Kong)
15:00 Nam Van Lake Nautical Centre Relacionamento (Guangzhou)
LIOV (Spain)

Duration: Approximately 45 minutes

Curator and Executive Producer: Tracy Wong
Artistic Director and Programme Coordinator: Mao Wei
Producer: Sarah Sun
Technical Coordinator and Executive: Horis Chao
Assistant to Producer and General Affairs: Ku Man Ian
Choreographers and Dancers: Lee Hong Kiu (Hong Kong), Li Tuokun (Hong Kong), Jos Baker (England), Xiao Zhiren (Guangzhou), Sun Ran (Guangzhou), Albert Garcia (Macao), Diego Sinniger (Spain) and David Novoa (Spain)
Video Artists: Kim Lei

More details

On Site – Body Traveller 

Content provider: Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC)

Last modified: 2020-03-27 16:15

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