In addition to performances, On Site brings three workshops: Body Awareness and Research, Contemporary Dance Techniques: Muscular Conscience and Parkour x Dance. Participants can further explore physical possibilities, as well as learn from and exchange with the artists.
9/1ThursdayBody Awareness and Research
Instructor: Xiao Zhiren (Guangzhou)
Target Participants: Individuals with experience in dance, physical movement or theatre
Language: Mandarin
10/1FridayContemporary Dance Techniques: Muscular Conscience
Instructor: Diego Sinniger (Spain)
Target Participants: Freelance dancers, or individuals with dance training or performing experience
Language: English
11/1SaturdayParkour x Dance
Instructors: Lee Hong Kiu (Hong Kong) and Li Tuokun (Hong Kong)
Target Participants: Individuals with experience in dance, physical movement, theatre or extreme sports
Language: Cantonese and English
No. of Participants per Session: 15
Registration on a first-come, first-served basis
Please fill in your personal biographies for selection.

On Site – Body Playground