# Theatre
Say bye to singlehood and find your love here
Classic romantic films fulfill our longing for love, though in reality we are always a bit lost in relationships. Will peeking at other people’s stories make us more clear-headed? Or more self-assured? When everything is put on the big screen and emotional interactions are to be watched by the public, can you still stick to your love philosophy and feel at ease with it?
We invite you to come to one of the best dating spots – cinema, to create a romantic date like that in romantic films in the time span of a film, and to rethink love from a different perspective. You can witness the birth of this romantic film from scratch, or you may even become the lead. At the end, who will be shot by Cupid’s arrow?
Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes
Performed in Cantonese
Restricted to ages 18 and up
Producer: Chan Si Kei @ Miracle Lab
Playwright and Director: Huang Ding-Yun @ Co-coism
Performers: Leong Fan Kai, Ng Keng In, Kong Ka Man and Kuong Tin Lok
Video Design: Leong Chi Hang
Set and Costume Design: Lam Ka Pik @ KAPIK Design
Music and Sound Design: Cheng Chao-En
Graphic Design and Publicity Photographs: Cheang Kai Kei
Remarks: Participants may have physical contact with performers or the opposite sex during the interactive session.

The Cinematic Duo